Through the usage of modern (and latest) technologies, preserve, document, and collect the priceless and most vulnerable artifacts of the nation's heritage.
Organize collections in the manners that allow for efficient retrieval and large scale browsing and search. Distributed access allows for many contributors and many users of our collections.
Make collections readily and freely accessible to interested individuals and centers of learning. Promote them by using modern techniques available in the public domain.
We are a team of volunteers, art historians, computer experts, culture lovers, who would love to share our heritage with the rest of the world.
While the content of the BLAGO Fund collections is free to use, there are also some restrictions on commercial use and proper attribution of the material. Follow the links below for more information.
> BLAGO Collections License
> Image Request
BLAGO Fund also accepts the contribution of material. Please contact us with any material you wish to publish on our website.
BLAGO Fund, Inc.
PO Box 60524
Palo Alto, CA 94306