#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Sts Peter and Paul Church ## Skin ### Button Button_41E3D2A5_60B9_0A08_41B7_737D4607570D.label = INFO Button_41E3F2A5_60B9_0A08_41C3_9FE9C5047659.label = PANORAMAS Button_50D923F0_6061_057B_41C9_1D2D7358B7CE.label = MENU ### Multiline Text HTMLText_062AD830_1140_E215_41B0_321699661E7F.html =

The church of Saints Peter and Paul is one of the oldest churches on the canonical territory of the Serbian Orthodox Church. It is considered to be one of the earliest spiritual centers in the Ras area where the first Serbian state was created under Great Župan Stephen Nemanja in the 11th century. It was in this church that Nemanja was baptized. The first ruler of the Serbian state later became monk Symeon in Mount Athos, where he and his son Sava, the first Archbishop of Serbia established the monastery of Hilandar. They were both canonized as saints, and Saint Symeon’s relics remained incorruptible and myrrh-flowing until our days.
HTMLText_718FA1CD_60B6_E5E3_41D3_6335BDF289A6.html =

The church of Saints Peter and Paul is one of the oldest churches on the canonical territory of the Serbian Orthodox Church. It is considered to be one of the earliest spiritual centers in the Ras area where the first Serbian state was created under Great Župan Stephen Nemanja in the 11th century. It was in this church that Nemanja was baptized. The first ruler of the Serbian state later became monk Symeon in Mount Athos, where he and his son Sava, the first Archbishop of Serbia established the monastery of Hilandar.
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